Hello and welcome to Dubai Carbon's Sustainability Self-Assessment Tool!
In the framework of achieving sustainability and meeting internationally renowned standards and with the aim of cultivating the efforts to achieving the recently adopted Sustainable Development Goals 2030, Dubai Carbon has developed a simple tool to help each and every stake holder assess their own sustainability indicators. Awareness is a primary tool to reaching our targets and this data-centric approach will help you benchmark where you stand in comparison to global best practices.
Best of luck!"


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1. Strategy and Analysis

How would you rank your company in terms of the sustainability of its strategy, goals and targets?

Not applicable or relevant to the business
Nothing has been implemented
In progress

There is a basic understanding and awareness of the concept of sustainability
Strategic priorities and key topics for the short, medium and long term (next year and the coming 3-5 years), organisational boundaries and success is being researched and discussed, including key events, provisional achievements, and failures
A strategy is in place and an action plan has been achieved throughout all services and sectors of the company
We are leaders in the realm of sustainability and provide a benchmark for best practice

2. Stakeholder Engagement

How would you describe the aspect of stakeholder inclusiveness in your organisation's processes, decisions and activities?

Not applicable or relevant to the business
Nothing has been implemented
In progress

A strategy has been discussed with stakeholders and the key concepts have been underlined, however, the overall plan has not been established due to contentions
The organisation has structured a strategy and processes to ensure stakeholder inclusiveness in major aspects
Stakeholder inclusiveness has been implemented and there is a working modality with a solid strategy and policy supporting it within the organisation
The organisation's stakeholder inclusiveness is regionally renowned as best practice

3. Stakeholder Engagement

How would you describe the organisation's response to key topics and concerns raised by stakeholders?

Not applicable or relevant to the business
Nothing has been implemented
In progress

Response is aggregated, however not considered
Response is aggregated, analysed and only considered as a tie-breaking deciding factor
A well-analysed response is a considerable deciding factor and more often than not, actions are prompt
A fully fledged strategy of capturing stakeholders key topics and concerns is in place and fully effective

4. Governance Structure and Composition

How would you describe the governance structure at your organisation?

Not applicable or relevant to the business
There is no clear structure
In progress

A defined structure is in place, however responsibilities and decision making are not clear
There is a well-defined structure, with clear roles and responsibilities
The organisation's governance structure is well-defined with allocated roles and responsibilities that show an inclusive and collaborative decision-making structure in the social, environmental and economic areas
The organisation's governance structure is a world-renowned benchmark for best practice

5. Remuneration and Incentives

Does your company have a policy to determine remuneration?

Not applicable or relevant to the business
Nothing has been implemented
In progress

The organisation has a basic understanding of the importance of establishing a remuneration policy and hiring remuneration consultants
Discussions on developing and implementing a remuneration policy are underway
We have a solid remuneration policy that was developed by remuneration consultants
We are pioneers in remuneration policy and are considered a benchmark for the industry

6. Ethics and Integrity

Does your company have ethical business policies that describe the organisation's values, principles, standards and norms of behaviour, such as codes of conduct and codes on ethics?

Not applicable or relevant to the business
Nothing has been implemented

The organisation is working on an ethical business policy and matching it with international standards
The organisation has developed an ethical business policy and established an implementation strategy and is working towards communicating this internally
We have a strong ethical business policy that has been communicated and implemented
We are a regional leader in ethical business policies and comply with international standards and best practices



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7. Economic Performance

How would you describe your organisation's identification of the risks posed by climate change that have the potential to generate substantive changes in operations, revenue or expenditure?

Not applicable or relevant to the business
Nothing has been identified
Risks are significant and the organisation has…

Identified risks without further action
Identified risks, assessed, and an action plan is being developed
Considered these in the organisation's risk management strategy
A fully fledged organisational risk management strategy is in place that complies with international standards. The strategy is adaptable to all foreseen risks.

8. Market Presence

How would you describe the ratio of your organisation's standard entry level wage compared to local minimum wage at significant locations of operation?

Not applicable or relevant to the business
No specific standards
The organisation's standard is…..

Below the local minimum, however, this has previously been noted and revisions are in process
Matching the local minimum
Competitive with local standards and fair consideration is always given
Adopting all local best practices in wage allocation, paying competitive wages in general, and rewarding employees in special cases

9. Procurement Practices

Does your organisation support the local economy by utilising local suppliers?

Not applicable or relevant to the business
This is not taken into consideration and supply is procured from better bidders regardless of location

The general direction of procurement focuses on standards, quality and efficiency, with no regards to location of supplier, Local suppliers are considered, however, the current percentage favours international suppliers, due to the nature of the business
The procurement policy supports local suppliers and this is evident in the percentage of procurement between international and local suppliers, as long as standards are not compromised
The organisation's procurement policy is an international benchmark for supporting local suppliers and hence the local economy



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10. Materials

Does the organisation consider recycled input materials in the manufacture of the organisation's primary products and/or services?

Not applicable or relevant to the business
Nothing is practiced

The importance of using recycled materials as input is recognised and communicated, however, it is not yet implemented.
The use of recycled materials is occasionally practiced in the organisation's operations
The use of recycled materials as input is embedded within the company culture and regularly practiced
The organisation is a pioneer in the use of recycled materials as input and frequently promotes the benefit of doing so

11. Energy

How would you describe the organisation's efforts in reducing energy consumption? (both internally and externally)

Not applicable or relevant to the business
Nothing has been implemented

The organisation has a general understanding of the importance of energy efficiency and reducing consumption, but no specific actions are in place
A strategy and an action plan are in place
The organisation has well-developed and implemented strategy and action plans that have been communicated through several campaigns
The organisation complies with international standards and performs periodical audits to explore further reduction opportunities

12. Water

How would you describe the organisation's efforts in recycling and reusing water?

Not applicable or relevant to the business
Nothing has been implemented

Awareness has been raised, however, with no significant results
The organisation has a few effective initiatives in place
The organisation has embedded the culture of recycling and reusing water within all of its strategies and processes
The organisation is a pioneer in the field of recycling and reusing water

13. Emissions

How would you describe the organisation's efforts in understanding its carbon footprint?

Not applicable or relevant to the business
Nothing has been implemented

Discussions are underway to create a mandate of periodical carbon footprint calculation
A policy, strategy and an action plan have been developed. No actions yet.
The organisation has been practicing calculating its carbon footprint on a regular basis
The organisation complies with international standards and periodically calculates its carbon footprint

14. Emissions

How would you describe the organisation's efforts in reducing its carbon footprint?

Not applicable or relevant to the business
Nothing has been implemented

Awareness has been raised on the importance of reducing the organisational carbon footprint
The organisation has few effective initiatives in place
The organisation has embedded the culture of reducing its carbon footprint within all of its strategies and processes
The organisation is a pioneer in the field of reducing the organisational carbon footprint and is considered a benchmark for international best practice



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15. Occupational Health and Safety

How would you describe the organisation's Health, Safety and Environment policy and practice?

Not applicable or relevant to the business
Nothing has been implemented

Discussion and awareness campaigns are underway to develop a fully-fledged HSE policy and an implementation policy
An HSE policy is existent, however, not enforced
An HSE policy is both well-developed and strongly enforced
The organisation's HSE policy complies with international standards and is consistently applied and updated

16. Training and Education

How would you describe the organisation's practice in developing its own employees? Take into account regular performance reviews, training, and growth opportunities.

Not applicable or relevant to the business
Nothing has been implemented

Discussion and awareness campaigns are underway to develop a fully-fledged training and development programme for staff
A training and development plan exists, but it is rarely enacted
The organisational training and development plan is well-developed and staff participate in regular training and periodic reviews
The organisation's training and development policies and practices comply with international standards and consistent training and development measures are applied to all staff, with regular performance reviews

17. Diversity and Equal Opportunity

How would you describe the organisation's considerations in creating opportunities for hiring, growth and promotion in terms of gender and nationality?

Not applicable or relevant to the business
Nothing has been implemented

Discussion and awareness campaigns are underway to develop a fully-fledged diversity and equal opportunity policy and an implementation plan
A diversity and equal opportunity policy is in place however, it is not enforced
A diversity and equal opportunity policy is in place and the organisation has set measurable targets
The organisation's diversity and equal opportunity policy complies with international standards and high targets are met consistently

18. Non-discrimination

How would you describe the organisation's attitude towards discrimination?

Not applicable or relevant to the business
Nothing has been implemented

Discussion and awareness campaigns are underway to develop a fully-fledged non-discrimination policy
A non-discrimination policy is existent, however, it is not enforced.
The organisation's non-discrimination policy is both well-developed and strongly enforced.
The organisation's non-discrimination policy complies with international standards and is consistently applied and updated.

19. Human Rights Grievance Mechanism

Describe how the organisation identifies and manages conflicts of interest that employees or persons linked to the organisation's activities, products or services may have.

Not applicable or relevant to the business
Nothing has been implemented

Discussion and awareness campaigns are underway to develop a conflict of interest policy
A policy exists and conflicts of interests are identified, but not managed
A policy exists and conflicts of interests are identified and managed
A policy exists and conflicts of interests are identified and managed in ways that comply with international standards and best practice

20. Supplier Assessment for Impact on Society

Describe the systems used to screen new suppliers using criteria related to impacts on society.

Not applicable or relevant to the business
Nothing has been implemented

Discussion is underway to develop a system to measure new suppliers using criteria for impacts on society
Systems to measure new suppliers using criteria for impacts on society exist, but are not enforced
Systems to measure new suppliers using criteria for impacts on society exist and all new suppliers are subject to evaluation on these criteria
International-standard systems to measure new suppliers using criteria for impacts on society exist and are applied and updated.

21. Customer Health and Safety

Describe whether the organisation assesses products and services in regards to health and safety.

Not applicable or relevant to the business
Nothing has been implemented

Discussions about health and safety assessment systems are underway to develop a policy
A policy exists, but products and services are not regularly assessed
An policy exists, and products and services are regularly assessed
The assessment system complies with international standards and is consistently applied and updated
