Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Dubai Carbon Centre of Excellence is now a proud member of Climate Technology Centre and Network (CTCN), the operational arm of the UNFCCC Technology Mechanism.
The CTCN is hosted and managed by UNEP in collaboration with UNIDO and with the support of 11 Centres of Excellence located in developing and developed countries.
Globally, the Climate Technology Centre (CTC) is responsible for overall coordination, development of the Climate Technology Network (CTN), and liaison with National Designated Entities (NDEs) and is backed by the Consortium Partners. This is a key development for the UAE, especially following the theme of innovation launched at the Government Summit earlier this year.
CTCN Director Jukka Uosukainen, in welcoming the Dubai Carbon Centre of Excellence to the Climate Technology Network, said, “In becoming a Network member, the Dubai Carbon Centre of Excellence has demonstrated its capabilities in energy efficiency, carbon management, and national greenhouse gas inventory strategies and knowledge transfer”.
Delivery of CTCN services is facilitated through a wide and diverse Network of international, regional and national institutions that can respond effectively and efficiently to countries’ requests, and the CTCN is guided by an Advisory Board, located in Copenhagen, Denmark.
“For Dubai Carbon, this recognition supports our role within the industry and its green initiatives that is making global impacts. We are confident that our knowledge base and expertise on green economy through the consolidation of knowledge will help CTCN and its partner network achieve its goals,” commented Waleed Salman, Chairman of Dubai Carbon.
The Climate Technology Centre facilitates the transfer of technologies by fostering collaboration among climate technology stakeholders through its Network of regional and sectoral experts from academia, the private sector, and public and research institutions.