The Dubai Carbon Centre of Excellence is bringing on German energy company, innogy, as the emirate ramps up rooftop solar installations.
The company, owned by the Dubai Electricity and Water Authority (Dewa), the Emirates National Oil Company, Dubal Holding and Empower, signed a memorandum of understanding with innogy yesterday to develop and implement rooftop solar.
The companies will work together to design a standardised, low-cost solar kit for home owners as well as for industries. Dubai Carbon offers advisory services as well as monitors the levels of carbon emissions in the emirate.
Ivano Iannelli, the chief executive of Dubai Carbon, said the companies would help implement the “continuously growing pipeline of solar photovoltaic (PV) projects across Dubai and the UAE”.
Dubai Carbon said as business was picking up, it needed to have more partners to execute projects.
This news comes right after the Dewa-owned Etihad Energy Services Company awarded the country’s largest residential rooftop solar project to three companies, including Dubai Carbon.
The other companies that will help with the 640-villa project in Hatta include Abu Dhabi’s Alsa Solar and Al Mustajed General Contracting of Dubai.
The PV installations are expected to be completed by the end of next year, although Dubai Carbon said it will be able to complete 220 villas in six months after the initial start.
“Our mission is to support the Dubai Government in the transformation towards a green economy and smart city – and rooftop PV is a key element for this transformation,” said Pierre Samaties, the chief executive of innogy International Middle East.
Although innogy’s involvement with the Hatta project may be as small as running quality assurance, there will be greater collaborations between the two companies that will include 12 projects. However, the companies declined to provide further information.