M( )RO
Employee Portal


Leave Requests

All staff will submit a yearly leave plan to HR and Line Manager. The yearly plan is to be saved on ERP and only to be submitted on ERP after it has been confirmed for approval. HR will verify leave balance, and in cases that the staff requests for advance leave HR will request approval from the CEO as per HR policy. Once HR approves the submitted leave it will go to line manager for approval. It is sole responsibility of the staff to ensure the leave requests have received final approval before going on leave.

Annual Tickets

As per HR Policy, each employee will receive annual leave ticket which will be paid during June or December cycle depending on the date of joining as per HR Policy.

Business Trips

Business trips are to be requested on the ERP under Business trips tab. Once the request has been requested, HR will ensure to receive the necessary approval from the CEO for local trips, and CEO and chairman for overseas and to manage necessary bookings. It is sole responsibility of the staff to follow up on completion of the process before going on a business trip.

The company will provide allowance and book accommodation as per HR Policy.


Staff are highly advised to avoid paying out of their own pocket for company-related matters. However, any urgent requests must be approved via email from the CEO while keeping Operations Manager copied in all communication. Staff must submit an original invoice after the purchase to the Operations Manager who will forward it to Finance for processing. Failure to submit relevant documents will cause delay or no reimbursement at all.

Petty Cash

All petty cash requests must be requested in advance via email from the Operations Department and approved. Upon the payment, staff must provide an original invoice of the purchase to a dedicated person in Operations team who will forward it to Finance for processing. Failure to do the same will result in salary deduction.

HR Requisitions

For landline phones, a requisition must be carried out on the ERP.

Children Educational Allowance

Grade 14 employees and above, as per HR policy, are entitled to children education allowance. The child has to be at least in FS1 grade and the following documents should be provided to Operations Manager and Finance:

  • Letter from the School for child stating:
    • Yearly fee, (Quarterly fee, if any)
    • Details of class and curriculum he/ she is studying.
  • Invoice from school for the payment

Note: If upon joining Dubai Carbon, you have already paid the school tuition fees, DCCE will provide the reimbursement, once invoice and receipt of payment made (originals docs) are provided. Subsequently, staff have to ensure to provide the invoice at least one month before the due date of the fee to Finance for processing. DCCE will make the payment directly to the school.

Training Policy

Back to School’ – Dubai Carbon allocates a budget for staff training on a yearly basis based on:

  • Project/work-related /innovation requirements (e.g. Shams Dubai)
  • In case of staff wants to be an expert in a certain field.
  • As part of the reward system, in this case, staff may choose the training they wish to complete even outside of their expertise as long as the budget has been allocated.

The request needs to be in line with HR Policy, to be discussed first with the line manager as part of performance appraisal, and then request to be placed on ERP for approval. Once approval is received it is sole responsibility of the employee to proceed with procurement as per the standards.