To get on board from the start, it’s important to familiarize yourself with a few Dubai Carbon terms:
Revenue Streams: Branches of revenue for the business, or are the business lines of Dubai Carbon. These can be in the form of projects, such as RTA Green Economy Framework or innovative initiatives, such as RTA Green Economy Framework or other innovative initiatives.
Competencies: Observable and measurable behaviours, knowledge, skills, abilities, and other characteristics that contribute to individual success in the organization (e.g. teamwork and cooperation, communication).
Objective: A specific and measurable result that a person or system aims to achieve in accordance with the available resources and expectations set. Objectives are basic tools that underlie all planning and strategic activities.
De-Carbonization: The process of becoming part of Dubai Carbon, such as understanding our company rules, procedures, operations and objectives in order for one to become a compatible fit to the organization.
Prince2 – Project Management: The world’s most widely-adopted project management method. Each Dubai Carbon Employee will be required to complete one mandatory training within the first year of employment, or in the soonest available slot provided slot.
ERP: Enterprise Resourcing Planning allows an organization to use a system of integrated applications to manage the business, by integrating all facets of an operation, including development, sales, and marketing.