All Dubai Carbon employees are reminded that any confidential information obtained through employment with Dubai Carbon, must not be used by an employee for personal gain or to further an outside enterprise. Moreover, in case the employee comes into contact with confidential information which is not to be shared with the employees, including but not limited to information about Dubai Carbon’s members, suppliers, finances and business plans and believe others may be able to access it easily as well, should report directly to their line manager or the HR Department. Failure to do so is ground for dismissal. Overall, employees are required to keep any such matters that may be disclosed to them or learned by them confidential.
Dress to impress and dress for success!
Remember, it is both first and last impressions that last! Dress how you want to be addressed. Thus, maintaining a professional, business-like appearance is very important to the success and the image of Dubai Carbon. Employees should be aware that the dress code is seen as an integral part of the company’s culture and any inappropriateness could damage the reputation and future client relationships. But, how do we do this?
All employees are expected to wear business formal attire during working hours and the attire shall not be; tight-fitting or revealing, t-shirts (with/without slogans), denim/jeans, skirts above the knees, flip flops and open sandals, together with clothes that have any offensive text. It can typically be a formal shirt with collar, tie, suit and formal trousers for men, and shirt, suit, skirt covering knees & shoulder covering blouse for women. For unacceptable attire, staff will be requested to go home and the day will be deducted from their annual leave balance.
Thursday is a causal day at Dubai Carbon and employees may wear casual attire, except on days when there are client meetings. Casual attire does not mean that employees may look untidy or unprofessional. All employees shall look and act professionally at all times.
There are two networks at our disposal:
You can connect to this Wi-Fi network through all your devices without entering a password. We suggest you connect to this network when navigating the internet, sending emails, and all other typical uses.
This Wi-Fi network is secured, and as such, you cannot access it using your personal devices, as it is reserved for company devices, such as your computer. The access will be integrated into your computer when you are assigned one. The SC-WLAN network is used to access the server and to send documents to the printer.
When making a phone call to an external number through the Dubai Carbon landline phones, you need to press the number 9, then proceed to dial the number you wish.
While we keep a man waiting, he reflects on our shortcomings.
As a Dubai Carbon employee, you are expected to incorporate punctuality into your personality. The normal office timings are from 8.00 AM to 4.00 PM with the flexibility to start half an hour earlier or later, Sunday to Thursday with Friday and Saturday as days off. Working hours during the holy month of Ramadan will be officially communicated via email by the HR Department. Both the line manager and the HR Department should be informed in cases of late arrival to the office with a justified reason.
Now take a minute and google the images relative to the stereotype of a consultant. You are expected to complete tasks as assigned. These tasks are meant to be performed in an assigned amount of time and preferably within working hours. However, if we bring it to your attention that you have not completed your job as per the concept of management by exception, then you are expected to do what it takes to meet expectations. Obviously, the sooner you seek help and support the better, but don’t expect your peers to support your procrastination. We expect results and timeframes assigned for results to be adequate, if not possible, they should be brought to the attention of your line manager.
Buddy System refers to coaching and mentoring to allow individuals space to grow.
In Dubai Carbon, every employee is assigned a person who will provide coaching and guidance in regards to the content of your work and if he/she needs any extra support you will jump in to assist. This person will not be necessarily your line manager, however, will be assigned to you by your line manager. It is likely that you have more than one buddy. If your role consists of you working in close contact with other departments, you will be assigned a buddy within these.
‘Before you are a leader, success is all about growing yourself, when you become a leader, success is all about growing others.’ Jack Welch
The sooner I can find a replacement for myself the sooner I can grow i.e. hence the mini-me policy.
The key concept in Dubai Carbon is that you cannot be promoted until someone else does your “dirty job”! There are 3 key ways to be promoted:
In all of the above, the key prerogative is that you continue to do what you are doing well (we assume!) and therefore the management has no intention to change something that is working well. You have probably been recruited to become somebody else’s mini-me…. So, learn the trick quickly and plan for your career move.
As we have previously made a note of, Dubai Carbon’s culture focuses on face-to-face meetings. Despite our increasingly digital world or maybe because of it, the power of in-person interaction is now more valuable than ever. Social media, e-mail, video chat and other forms of electronic communication are great for meeting new people, communicating across distances and maintaining connections. We call this the Vitamin D policy, whereby instead of just communicating with our customers through emails and phone calls, we collect as much Vitamin D as possible by meeting with clients outside of the office.
The two most important features of the Vitamin D Policy are Job To Be Done and Client Delight. Have a read through the following sections to understand them well.
A “job” is a problem a person is trying to solve. Clients do not really buy products; they “hire” them to get a job done. A job to be done (JTBD) perspective focuses on what causes a client to buy a product rather than relying on the attributes (such as age, gender, or income) that are merely correlated with buying behaviour. By viewing the interest through the clients’ eyes, you will then be able to optimize the experience for the client. Make sure that the client is heard and avoid assuming that you know better because it usually ends up in you providing a different JTBD than what was expected by the client.
Client delight, on the other hand, involves a business going above and beyond normal client relations to provide an experience that will leave a marked impression on the client. It is a positive emotion that client’s experience in response to having their expectations exceeded to an unexpected and surprising degree. It refers to getting more than expected. Obviously, Dubai Carbon is looking to delight all of our clients rather than just satisfy.
The process of booking a meeting room in the office is simple and can be done directly through your email.
When creating an event in your calendar, along with the attendees, you must invite the DSCE account as well. You will receive an instant reply from the account confirming or rejecting the request to book, based on the availability of the room.
The accounts are:
No annual leave is to be taken during the probation period, otherwise, CEO approval is required. Every Dubai Carbon employee is entitled to 24 days of annual leave as a minimum, with the exception of Grade 13 and above (HR Policy Article 62).
All sick leaves can be uncertified for a maximum of one consecutive day, thereafter sick leaves need to certified to a maximum of 15 working days by providing a certified DHA doctor note to the HR Department upon return to work unless differently communicated by the HR Department. Both the HR Manager and line manager need to be notified before 8:00 AM.
All leave types should be documented and approved in the ERP.
All document requests such as Non Objection Certificate, Salary Certificate and Employment Certificate are to be requested on ERP
HR will keep track of visa expiry and notify staff when their visa is for renewal to submit their passports. However, it is sole responsibility of the staff to ensure all their documentation is up to date.
We know that, at times, staff will want to move forward and seek new challenges in a different company. Just as new employees were interviewed on why they wanted to join Dubai Carbon, we want to get a chance to ask you why you want to leave the company in order for us to make future improvements. The Exit interviews will be conducted by HR in person during the staff’s notice period unless requested to be done by the Line Manager.