Dubai Carbon believes that the effectiveness of performance management ensures increased performance and inspiring employee’s development and motivation. All employees will meet with their line manager on a monthly basis to develop a goal-setting form to set SMART (Specific, Measurable, Agreed Upon, Realistic, Time-based) goals that you will review together at the end of the month, and then set new ones for the following month. Your Line Manager will give you feedback on your performance and your deliverables as well as set appropriate goals to follow for the following month.
Familiarize yourself with it, and print it before your meeting with your line manager.
We recommend you use the time allocated to clarify any doubts about your role and responsibilities that you may have with the Line Manager and to make the most out of his or her recommendations and feedback.
‘If you cannot measure it, you cannot manage it.’ Peter Drucker
Access the Goal Setting Form to make a copy and fill it in!